Saturday, July 30, 2005

Week 12 Day 2

Aaron took me for a date tonight. So I washed my hair, put in my contacts, covered up my pimples very carefully and boy did I look good. Solly thought so. Solly was my room-mate, whom I pranced in front of before my date (Aaron played the part of Solly). Aaron arrived at the door and kissed me very smoothly, like a Larry would. I giggled and couldn't stop smiling.

I felt like walking, so we walked. We stopped for a shrimp cocktail at the Knickerbocker bar, where Aaron had a beer and I had a few sips of his. "Man could I get drunk tonight. As soon as I have this baby and wean her, I will drink red wine, coffee and cigarettes."

For dinner, I ordered a delectable braised lamb. Yes, it was good, but I could tell it was jet-lagged. Why oh why must we order our lambies from New Zealand and Australia? It does not taste good on this side of the world. Have you ever ordered U.S. lambies from Colorado? Okay, it is extremely expensive (I paid a butcher $70 bucks for chops for 4), but at least it still tastes like meat. Please god, let the farmers grow their animals close to home.

It was our first date, actually our 2nd meeting though. I told Aaron I was pregnant. He was surprised but agreed to move in and take care of me. Perfect ending. We had planned on coitus, but instead we settled for some reading and cuddling before bed.


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